Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Muscial Art (Scores and Instrument)

My musical instrument that I created was five shakers. The materials that I used was: beads for the sound, cardboard tubes, black duck tape and sticks. I made a total of five with different lengths to for different sounds and volume of the noise the shaker makes.

As for the musical score, I misunderstood the assignment. I thought we had to create a 3D model of a musical score for our partner. For me Katie's instrument was a giant metal washer's pan with copper bars. I want to create a simple musical score with a good intention to flow with the instrument to fit it best. This was the results:

The materials I used was a wooden long doul, white wool, Styrofoam balls and (Something)
The idea was the balls represent a loud *bang* and the wooden doul is a consent beat, while the was the wrap around with wooden doul. The middle was to represent "a web of chaos" and the performer was to go crazy about it.

My partner's musical score (Katie) for me was this: 
I interpret the score as follow:
The jagged lines represent shaking fast then keep the beat at a rate, then where the color collab is I go out of contorl and lose the shakers, then i start off clam, peace shakes, then move the pace faster, and go crazy again, red dots mean to use the little shaker, then the spiral winds down the shakers and ends the piece there.

Overall I enjoyed this project and the other musical pieces I saw.

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