Thursday, April 28, 2016

NFL Board Game.

This project was about taking an existing board games and creating something from it and playable with a group. For this project, My partner Nick and I decided to take the broad game monopoly (Particular Monopoly Electronic with the debt card reader and higher bank numbers) and make it a satire of the NFL. The whole idea behind it was that if you are an NFL owner, you would go around buying up teams for you to make a profit off of and beat the other owners. If you land on a team, you pay the owner of that team the winning since it is their home turf. The players are old people because that's what most of the owners are old white men. Nick did a lot of research of the NFL from scandals and controversial issues (examples the Ray Rice scandal, "Concussion" gate, Deflate" gate. etc.) And those would be Chance/Coummity cards along with huge payouts to get more money. Every player starts with 15 million as that was the average amount a team costs along with stadiums and such. I will say this project was a lot of fun to make and a ton of fun to see the mechanical side in a board games and how to set it up for everyone to play.  Picture below are what the final product is like.

Art Exhibit Review #2

Eric T Franklin
Art 381
Art Exhibit Review #2

Tomorrow’s Man” Curated by Jack Pierson
            The art exhibit I visited was called “Tomorrow’s Man” Curated by Jack Pierson. I have to say for this art exhibit I was not expecting the art pieces in this show. At first I thought the gallery was going to be futuristic and sci-fi style, but the gallery was mostly with some disturbing images (in my opinion) and some pieces I can relate to. The images I saw of the nude people in some explicit acts I felt were uncomfortable. I can look at tasteful nudity, but not what I saw. I saw a video in the show, but I could not make it out what the goal it was going for because I was confused on the message. The only two pieces I enjoyed were the 2 with messages on them, “Go where the rich hang out then you can make art.” And “Do what must be done as soon as you can.” I felt like these are true. The “do what you must” one I like because to me I felt like it is true that you have to do what you need to then and now without wasting time. If you prolong the task, it will be too late.
Overall this gallery is a mixed bag. Some pieces I liked some I disliked.

I recorded video with more thoughts on the gallery.

Art Exhibit Review #1

Eric T Franklin
Art 381
Art Exhibit Review #1

Emerald Rose Whipple: Na Aumakua Anuenue
            The art exhibit I visited was called “Na Aumakua Anuenue” by Emerald Rose Whipple.  The exhibit was small with only a few canvas styled painting drawing. According to the artist statement most of the paintings are done on a canvas with oil paint. Most of the artworks were around the concept of Aumakua (family god) and Anuenue (Hawaiian for rainbow). Most of the paintings I saw in the gallery were well done for what she was going for was a nice touch and the two dedicated to Whipple’s mother were the highlight of the gallery. You could easily tell this artist put a lot of effort into those two paintings. The brush strokes and themes I believe she was going for were achieved and shown. The oil paintings I felt were great and really shine in the gallery and they colors were an excellent choice.
Overall I felt the show was good and would recommend it.  

I recorded a video to explain my thoughts a bit more.